We’re ready to accept payment for the 2022 LPSC Uniforms. Uniforms are $55 for both shirts. Payment can be made by check or money order sent to:
Cassie Hubbard
1048 Woodshire Way
Sacramento, CA 95822.
Please make the check or money order out to Land Park Soccer Club and include the player’s name on the memo line.
If you would like to pay by PayPal, it will be $58 dollars per uniform set as PayPal does charge us a fee per transaction. When paying – please use the email address that was used for registration originally. To pay through PayPal with your PayPal account or credit/debit card – please click the button to the left.
For those of you that had partial or full purchases from Soccer.com – Cassie will be reaching out to you individually. Please do not pay for the uniform with the above PayPal link.
Please let us know if you have any questions.